Google Reconsideration Request Language Modified Again

Kudos goes out to Matt Cutts, again. ๐Ÿ˜€

The changes to the language in the Google Reconsideration Request (formerly known as the Reinclusion Request), that were discussed on SEO Scoop back on December 3rd and here on Smackdown again on the 18th, have finally gone through. Essentially, the changes have to do with lessening the accusatory tone of the request. Prior to the changes, even if you did nothing wrong, but your website got hit with an algorithmic penalty anyways, you still had to affirm and agree you did in fact violate Google’s guidelines in some way, shape, or form.

The last round of changes took out the first line you had to agree to, which stated, “I believe this site has violated Googleโ€™s quality guidelines in the past.”, leaving you with:

Which was good, but you basically still had to admit that you had in fact done something wrong in the past (again, even if you hadn’t). Now if you log in to Google Webmaster Tools and click on the Request Reconsideration link, you can see that they have completely reworded to, and it now reads:

Which is much more appropriate, in my opinion. Of course, that now means that the instructions for reconsideration are slightly out of sync with the wording on the form, but hey, who reads instructions anyways.

Thanks Matt! I know, you say all you did was drop them an email, but that of course had more of an effect than 100 emails would have done from the rest of us (ie, they actually read your emails! ๐Ÿ˜€ ).

4 thoughts on “Google Reconsideration Request Language Modified Again”

  1. Congratulations to all. It’s great to see a relatively speedy and customer-sensitive response from Google. So often, they don’t seem to have the time.

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