Florida has definitely had it’s “doh!” moments, but this one is a doozy. It seems as if last month, March 23rd 2012, Florida HB 1175 went into effect, with the following intent:
I Got My Eye On You
No, really…
I think this may be a sign that I am watching too much The Walking Dead.
By the way, this would look great on you or your boyfriend/girlfriend on a t-shirt! 😀
Google Says “Fuck It” For The Christmas Season, Removes The Ability To Report AdSense Violations

It has to be tough policing a program like AdSense. It must be exceptionally difficult during the holiday season, when the payoff to running scams grows so much more. It is so tough, in fact, that this year as the holiday shopping season grows near, with Black Friday just a few short days away, that apparently Google has finally decided to say “fuck it”, make it easier on themselves, just remove the ability for anyone to report any violations of the program whatsoever, and allow the scammers to have a field day in the mean time.
While Google may want to give the impression to their stockholders and the public that they have both the search engine spam and advertising program cheaters fully under control, the truth is that they rely quite a bit on reports from the community and consumers for both spam and AdSense violations. For any spam that they find, Google asks
Brandlink Communications, TheBloggess, PR Fails, and Fallout
Before reading the rest of this post, if you are not already an avid fan of TheBloggess, and have not read about the PR company vice president who called her a “fucking bitch” due to him being clueless who it was his company was pitching, then you should start here first: Brandlink Communications. Go ahead and read it now, I will wait.
[cue elevator music]
Taylor Swift’s, Um, Like, YouTube Interview

Taylor Swift
In which Taylor says “um”, “like”, talks like a Scotsman, laughs, and sometimes gets excited. Sure, she said lots of other stuff too… but I didn’t include any of it in this video.
Proof that Taylor can make you smile regardless of what she is saying:
What’s A Faster Way To Get A Virus Than Browsing Porn? That’s Right: The New Facebook

Quit staring, it’s just a thumb.
Facebook has never been known for it’s safety. It is a site designed so that the least Internet savvy people out there can sign up and network with millions of other people, both those they know and those they don’t, with only a minimal amount of technical know-how required (ie. how to sign up, and how to browse). It is a giant playground filled with games and people to talk to from all over the world, luring in droves of people who, when they come, know nothing about “scareware”, or “phishing scams”, or even how to clean a virus from their machine if they get one. Sure, they’ve been told that if they visit porn sites they could very well get a virus, but hey, this is Facebook, everyone is on Facebook… it must be safe. The result is a gigantic community of
DoD Family Pets Being Evacuated From Japan, Civilian Teachers Told They Must Stay
I have a friend who is a teacher. A few years back he got the opportunity of a lifetime, one of his dreams come true: he got invited by the DoDDS (the Department of Defense Dependents Schools) to come work for them, teaching dependents of military personnel on military bases around the world. He was ecstatic when he got chosen for the job. He spent, I believe, the first two years in Germany, and then last year they moved him to Japan.
When the tsunami hit I was a little freaked out until I heard from him that he was ok. Then the issues started to happen with the nuclear reactors and I and a few other people started to worry again. On Thursday, March 17th I saw this on Facebook: